"A combustible brew of hard rock and solid science, from which emanates some memorable musical lessons about spiders, sharks, earthquakes, the atmosphere, and even principles of physics - always with a light touch. "Blood-Sucking Friends," an ode to mosquitoes, tells the insects' side of the story, and "The Laws of Physics" accomplishes (with hot guitar licks and lyrics) what many a more conventional teacher only dreams of drilling into reluctant minds. ‘A’"
— Parenting Magazine
“It’s the ‘Far Side’ of music”
— Debbie Martin, Middle School teacher
“You folks are doing very cool stuff. I do a fair amount of education outreach and I REALLY appreciate your messages, moosic and good energy to folks of all ages! My son and I wore out one of your recordings when he was just a young lad -he's now 14.”
— Joe Craven, musician, Blender Logic Arts
“I’ve been exposed to every major children’s label, and this is the most exciting thing I’ve heard!”
— -Len Moors, Discographer, Intouch group Inc.
"There is so much talent and charisma in your group. The only thing I can think of that compares with the kids' reaction to your show is the way my sister and I reacted to the Beatles. I'll be in the front row for any of your concerts"!
— -Peter Fox, parent of a 4 & 6 year old

“As a mother of a six year-old girl, I highly recommend the Bungee Jumpin' Cows. Not only does my daughter love the music, singing out loud and dancing through the house, the songs' lyrics have led to discussions of scientific matters that I never would have broached with a child her age. Explaining the concept of environmental responsibility after listening to 'Termite Flatulence' or discussing the transference of disease through sneezing ("Hey, Larry, you don't look so good" is one of Katie's favorite phrases these days) and then listening to my daughter explain the songs to her friends is some of the best entertainment I've had in a long time. An added plus is that the music is good, too - much better than the teeny bobber stuff she was listening to before. BJC makes science fun for kids and their parents.”
— Dawn Rogers, parent

“Yours is the only children’s music tape that our family all enjoy, even after the four thousandth time! We listen to it together anytime we drive in the car.”
— Sue Boudreau, parent
“I don’t think there’s a genre they can’t tackle!”
— Casey Donohue-Ackley, LucasArts
“I have not stopped listening to the Bungee Jumpin’ Cows at top volume!”
— Jeff Evans, 16
“The quality, creativity, vocal abilities and musicianship of this music is as sophisticated as any ‘adult’ music.”
— Mark LeMaire, recording engineer, Canyon Studios.
“By far the most successful parent-child evening event the school has ever hosted. Thank you for performing with such energy and great professionalism. Our parents discovered that their kids are ROCKERS!”
— Marian Marshall, elementary teacher