Science Meets Rock

Hey Kids:
• Don’t tell parents or teachers it’s rowdy.
“I have not stopped listening to the Bungee Jumpin’ Cows at top volume!”
-Jeff Evans, 16
I like to rock out to the Bungee Jumpin’ Cows!
-Kaela Fox, 5
Hey Adults:
• You’ll like it too! Like the Simpsons or Monty Python, each song is a multi-layered comic gem of twisted humor.
“It’s the ‘Far Side’ of music.”
-Debbie Martin
• Great musicianship, vocals, and arrangements. Green Dayish rock to George Clintonesque funk, and everything in between.
“The quality, creativity, vocal abilities and musicianship of this music is as sophisticated as any ‘adult’ music.”
-Mark LeMaire, recording engineer, Canyon Studios.
Hey Parent/Teachers:
• Don’t tell kids it’s educational.
"A combustible brew of hard rock and solid science, from which emanates some memorable musical lessons... ‘A’"
-Parenting Magazine
• It’s not children’s music. It’s that rare musical gem that families truly enjoy together.
“Yours is the only children’s music that our family all enjoy, even after the four thousandth time!”
- Sue Boudreau, parent
Available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Bandcamp, itunes, and many other platforms where music is found.
Click album image for Apple Music preview

T-shirts, stickers, buttons, & hats
A legendary live musical experience. A feast of visual imagery with wild characters, crazy costumes, audience participation and fun shenanigans for the whole family.
Featuring: Arachnid Day, One of These Days, Gusano, We Sail the Winds, Fire!, Bubba (the Frog), Termite Flatulence, Bloodsucking Friends, Earthquake, Air Band, The Banana Slug Song, Tornado Twist